Daily, genre-inspired writing prompts for authors, teachers, and journaling

Mystery – March 2

Kurt Weill was born on this date in 1900.

His composition Die Moritat von Mackie Messer inspires today’s writing prompt:

Write a scene in which your protagonist must accuse a lovable rogue of a terrible crime.

One Response to “Mystery – March 2”

  1. Neil Olonoff says:

    (WIKIPEDIA/ Threepenny Opera) Amazing final verse!
    The rarely heard final verse—not included in the original play, but added by Brecht for the 1931 movie—expresses the theme and compares the glittering world of the rich and powerful with the dark world of the poor:

    Denn die einen sind im Dunkeln
    Und die andern sind im Licht
    Und man siehet die im Lichte
    Die im Dunkeln sieht man nicht.

    There are some who are in darkness
    And the others are in light
    And you see the ones in brightness
    Those in darkness drop from sight.

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