Daily, genre-inspired writing prompts for authors, teachers, and journaling
Currently Browsing: Secondary Teachers

Secondary – Valentine’s Day

Famous abolitionist Frederick Douglass, born on this date in 1818, once said, “A man’s character always takes its hue, more or less, from the form and color of things about him.” Explain why do you agree or disagree with him.

Secondary – February 13

“People aren’t supposed to look back.” -Kurt Vonnegut in Slaughterhouse-Five, based on his survival of the Allied firebombing of Dresden, Germany, which began on this date in 1945. Argue true or false.

Secondary – February 12

“Something will be offensive to someone in every book, so you’ve got to fight it.” -Judy Blume, born on this date in 1938. Describe how you could most effectively respond to someone offended by something you like.

Secondary – February 11

If you knew you could not fail at one thing, what one thing would you attempt and why?

Secondary – February 10

What question would you most like to ask the President of the United States? How do you think he would answer?

Secondary – February 9

The Beatles appeared on Ed Sullivan’s show for the first time on this date in 1964. 73 million people watched – about 40% of the US population at the time, and more than the percentage of people who watch the Super Bowl. What do you think could get that many people to do the same thing at the same time, and why would they do it?

Secondary – February 8

John Williams, whose written the music for films like Star Wars and Indiana Jones, was born on this date in 1932. Describe how movies would be different if there were no music in...

Secondary – February 7

Charles Dickens was born on this date in 1812. Explain what you think he meant when he said, “Charity begins at home, and justice begins next door.”

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